Just some random pictures from the past week or two.
Katelyn having her first teething biscuit. Actually it was a baby cookie which I now know is different from a teething biscuit. She gagged horribly on it. It was way too soft for her.

Some brotherly love. Aaron hangin with Mady, watching blue's clues.

I don't know when it happened exactly but I've turned into Mom. Not mommy, not mama. And I get this look now with the MA-OM. Nice!

They've started fighting over toys. It's cute for now, but I know it's just a matter of time when it turns to screaming, and hair pulling!
So the well checks went well last week. It took about 2 hrs with their pediatrician and the nurse to get through it. But Dr. F is great about taking all the time we need. He never rushes us, in fact he took Mady out for a walk around the the clinic, and in his office for a bit. I love that he really LOVES the kids he works with. I'm so glad we've found that kind of Dr. that we will always have a great relationship with, and we trust.
Anyway...the girls wieghed in at 14 lbs 12 oz. for Katelyn, and 13lbs 10 oz. for Madelyn. Not so good for either one, especially not Mady. She's still not going up, but more to the side on her growth curve. But it was a gain so we'll take what we can get! Doc said Katelyn slowed a bit on her gaining too, but over all she's going in the right direction which is up on the curve.
They also both got their first flu shots, and checked out pretty well. We decided to up Mady's dose of prevacid (for her reflux) and also start her on a small dose of reglan. Hopefully this combo will help control her reflux better. It's gotten a bit out of control again. If this doesn't work we will discuss surgery to correct the problem. I guess we should know if it's working or not within a few weeks. She isn't vomiting as much, but is coughing, wheezing, and gagging a whole lot. We can tell it's causing her discomfort. Poor little thing.
Let's see what else...Mady's therapies are going well. She had PT yesterday, and got very tired out after 45 minutes. The sessions are supposed to go for an hour, but the last 15 minutes we just let her play, or I held her while the PT & I talked. I'm happy to report that she's now rolling both ways! Her PT was so happy to see her in action. We also worked on sitting techniques, and tried to get her to put wieght on her legs. She's showing some progress with sitting with minimal support, and she stays up for a short time, so long as she has support at her hips. Her OT (occupational therpaist) is coming on Friday. She's the one that is working with her feedings. Then it's therapy at Mighty Oaks for speech, which is for feeding and to begin signing, and get her working at making more noise. She's really trying hard with making sounds. She even said bababa a few times! Mostly it's lots of cooing, and raspberry noises. So CUTE!!! It's so awesome to hear her voice. For so long she was totally silent, not even able to cry. Now to hear her little squeeks, and frog like sounds, it's like music to my ears.
Thanks to everyone who gave me info on the baby signing. Thanks a ton to my awesome Grandpa, who is taking sign language and gave me this wonderful link http://www.lifeprint.com/ there's so much information there, and so I thought I'd share it. There's a link there for 100 first baby signs. So cool! Can't wait to get started.
I had a wonderful weekend and was able to work at my old job during a class with Ms. Karen Russell http://karenrussell.typepad.com/ Well, it's not really my old job since I DO still work there, just not like before. Now it's just every other weekend. And for those of you who don't know me, yes I'm a scrapbooker and that used to be my job. I managed a wonderful scrapbook store, and got to know my creative side in a whole new way. Not your typical scrapbooker here, more an artist that loves to play with paper glue, and pictures!
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