What's this 2 smiles at the same time?!!!

Ummm, does this look even the slightest bit cofortable? Notice Katelyn trying to steal her toy.

You'd think they'd be used to the camera by now, I mean I take pictures just about daily. "Mommy's turned into a freak again, what's that weird thing hanging off her face?"

Just thought I'd post some cute pictures of the girls, and a little update. Things are going pretty good around here. Still very busy, I think that will never change but I'd like to hope that it will get normal busy instead of crazy! Madelyn had her first session at mighty oaks children's therapy center. We met 2 new therapists, and they did another evaluation on her. It was nothing formal, just their own eval that they do for new patients. They saw her development everywhere from 0-3 months and some scattered skills in the 3-6 months range. I'm getting more used to hearing this, since this is her 3rd evaluation since august. I really liked these therapists, they were very thorough in their questions and obsevations. They are going to be seeing her every 2 weeks to begin with, since she is having OT through early intervention every week, and PT once a month, they don't want to overwhelm her. The speech therapist is going to start teaching her sign language pretty much right away. They said the sooner we start the better, and it is best to get the whole family involved. Katelyn will be learning it right along with Mady, and the rest of us will be taught through what I learn from the therapist. We also plan on getting some books, or dvds to help (if anyone knows of any good recommendations please let me know). Mady pretty much has a double wammy when it comes to speech. She is most delayed in her language skills (still is just barely cooing), and she also has the paralyzed vocal cord, making it difficult to make noise. Sign language will help her initially, and in the future if her voice never gets strong. The therapists also brought up the fact that it seems peculiar that she has left sided weakness in her extremities, and left sided vocal paralysis. Other therapists have mentioned this as well before. They asked if she'd ever had a brain scan or imaging done to rule out a nuerological problem like cerebral palsy (she has not). This of course got me going again thinking that she may have it. But overall they said since she has minor tonal issues it would probably be best to wait and see how the therapies work for her, then see where she's at in a few months. Whatever, I hate the phrase wait and see, but again it's something I'm totally getting used to hearing.
In Katelyn news, she's getting soooooo close to crawling. She's up on her knees a lot, and is trying so hard to figure out how to get herself to go. She can actually push off just a bit, which is giving her the desire to try even more, and even harder. It's going to be very very soon! She hasn't cut any teeth, so I don't know what's going on there. I really think she is teething, and has good days and bad days. Feedings have not been great with her, she won't take as much in her bottle, and is still completely refusing solids. I'm starting to worry that she really will never eat solids! We have the most success with bananas, and I can only dip the spoon in them, if she has any more than that on the spoon she throws up. She definitely has an oral aversion there, so we're trying some techniques that we've learned for Mady in her therapies, so hopefully Katy will benefit too, from some of what we do with Mady. I won't even get started on Mady's feedings. I am afraid to have her weighed next week, there is just no way she's gained adequate weight with what she eats. We'll see though, she may surprise me.
Well so much for a quick update! I guess I had more to report than I thought. Stay tuned, there's well check visits to report about next week! Hopefully I'll have something interesting to talk about when the day comes where there's no Dr. and therapy appts to fill my posts up with.
The girls look great! "Signing Time" is a great sign lanuage video. There are all different stages. It is really cute and the kids will love it. The kids in the video are friends and one is deaf and the other isn't. I think you have to buy is on line....I haven't seen it in the stores.
Mimic baby sales in BC, Canada has good videos and lots of other resource materials. sorry no link but I know they have a web site.
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