Monday, October 02, 2006

Bring on the teething

Katelyn is teething. I am sure of it. She's been very very fussy today, and not eating a lot at once, just chewing on the nipple after a few ounces or so. She is currently fussing in her crib right now as a matter of fact. It's going to be a long night, and a long how ever long it takes for her teeth to come through. I'm sure Mady will be close behind on this milestone as well. I say bring it on! At least it's "normal baby stuff", I'm sure I'll be eating those words when both girls are screaming all night long. And so it begins, teething with 2 babies this time! Time for some motrin and some cuddling to get her back to sleep and comfy, and maybe a glass of wine for me! Wish me luck, as this new adventure begins!

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