This is Katelyn having one of her "episodes". We call them episodes because we aren't quite sure what they are yet, if anything. We're a bit concerned that it's a mild seizure that is happening to her several times a day. When I say several she probably does this close to 100 times a day. Sometimes less, sometimes more. It's hard to see exactly what's going on in the photographs, but basically, she turns her head to the side, and gets a blank look on her face & her eye and check seem to stiffen up, and spasam. This only occurs on the left side of her face. She is definitely not intending on doing it, and I can not even duplicate it to show someone what it looks like. She doesn't seem to notice when she does it, and it only lasts 5-15 seconds. There are times where she'll do it over & over again, back to back to back. Whatever is occuring looks very unnatural, and I can only describe it as odd. We have video taped several of these episodes, and given the tape to her pediatrician. We haven't heard from him yet, as to wether we should be alarmed and do some tests, or if it's just some weird facial twitch. These pictures posted completely out of sequence but the top & bottom picutres are during the "episode", and the middle ones are as she is "normalizing" again. I am only posting these pictures to see if anyone can offer any insight on what could be going on. I've never seen a baby do this before, so if anyone can offer me some peace of mind, please do so. Just another confusing thing to worry about!

Sorry I am blog-stalking you and keep leaving comments, but I just wanted to encourage you to hound the doctor for an answer. I know sometimes I feel silly because I call our ped constantly when I am afraid something is up with either J or A, but if you are really concerned, then you have every right to stalk them--take it from me, I am obviously an expert stalker :)
Hey Michelle,
I've been meaning to leave you some comments and just haven't gotten around to it. I love your blog...it makes me realize how much you have your hands full! I agree with Kim in hounding your DR. I am having to hound Porter's because of some intestinal issues and if he won't pursue it I will be trying a few others out. I know that you have a different set of circumstances. Always trust your instincts...you know them better than anyone.
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