I'm beginning to wonder if these girls are EVER going to like eating solids. So far we've had no luck with rice cereal, or any orange veggies which is what they say you should start with. They just don't like any of it AT ALL. I get gagging, spitting, tongue thrusting, and lots of bitter faces. Mady is definitely the worst, she won't swallow ANY of even the smallest little bite. Katelyn doesn't like it, but she'll at least swallow some here & there. But she usually ends up in tears after a few bites in. I don't know if I should try fruit mixed with veggies to see if that'll get them to eat or what? My boys pretty much liked most solids after getting used to the new texture, they both took to eating pretty well. I just don't know what to do. Should I be stressing about this? Is it too early to worry about it? Right now Katelyn has been waking a lot more to eat at night, only going 3-4 hrs at a time again. This tells me she needs more in her diet, but she won't have anything to do with it. I'm going to try some green veggies, probably peas first, but I doubt they'll like that either.

I just don't want them getting hooked on fruits before veggies, fearing that's all they'll eat (if they like it that is). I just hope this isn't the start of poor eating habits for them. I mean they're so small already, and if all I can get them to eat is formula then what does that mean for their eating in the future? They are both on higher calorie preemie formula which is fortified to add even MORE calories. Madelyn gets even more because she does'nt eat as well, and the thick it we have to use adds more calories to her bottles. So thankfully they seem to be gaining weight, though slowly.

They are 6.5 months adjusted, so maybe it's still just too soon for them. I hope that we find something they like SOON though, so that way at least I feel that they are moving along, and making progress. I know sometimes you have to intoroduce the same food several times before they decide they like it, so maybe they just aren't sure what to make of it yet. In the meantime, at least they are gaining weight, and these faces they make sure are amusing.
Recent research shows that if you introduce fruits before veggies you are not condemning your children to a life of a sweet tooth addict! Not having any experience with severe eating issues, I shouldn't advise you on what to do, but I will give you my two cents anyway! I'd say go ahead and give them fruit--if they like it, it might help them get used to solid textures and maybe then they will be more willing to accept veggies.
I started my daughter with the fruits (she was a 24 weeker and surviving twin). She loved the applesauce, pears, and bananas. Then we went to the veggies. She loved squash but threw up the peas. So we are going with the squash again for right now! I usually do fruit and cereal for breakfast, veggie and cereal for lunch, and veggie and fruit for dinner. Try the fruits! Maybe they will love them. Best of luck! Lisa
"Will they ever like solids?!"
That's a great question! I wish I had a good answer for you... My girls are now 2 and we are still battling over food. My philosophy now is feed them what they like! If they want to eat hotdogs and teddy grahams for every meal, that's what they eat.
Seriously though, it's a ROUGH road, and few parents of non-preemies will ever understand. I am wishing you all the best in the food war. Please keep me posted if you discover any great ideas!
In case it helps, my kids NEVER liked baby food. We did much better after they got old enough to eat some finger foods. Not great, but better.
Good luck!
Oh, I understand wanting to get them to eat....I've completely given up trying to get Kaitlyn to eat solids...we are on to teething buiscuits, now - occasionally she'll put it in her mouth and that's all I can ask for at this point.....I think my K hates the baby food because it is like vomit and her instinct is to get rid of it.
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