Katelyn just hangin out. She is getting so big! 14 lbs 8 oz at their last weigh in. Getting smiles from her on camera is a rare occassion . I don't thin she likes the camera, she'll automatically stop smiling or whatever cute thing she's doing, and just stare at me like I'm some sort of freak.

I really love this one of Katy. She is getting so good at picking things up off the floor. I'm contantly checking to make sure all the little stuff is picked up, because she'll find it, and put it in her mouth.

Madelyn and HER kitten. We have adopted 3 cats, a momma and her 2 kittens that Ian found at his work. This little kitten adopted Mady. He loves her, and always snuggles up right by her. And if she's sleeping in her room, he often lays by the door waiting for her. It's so cute! Maybe they both hit it off so well because they're both the runts of the litter.

This is my new favorite picture of Madelyn. It really shows off her personality well. Too bad it's a little out of focus.
I'll post a more detailed update later tonight when I have more time. I have so much to report about the last 2 weeks.
Hi Michelle,
I'm so glad to have found your blog - I have been looking for other mums writing about their twins, my girls are eight now. They were born at 34 and a half weeks.
..And now I decide to set up a blog!
You must be so proud, these are beautiful pictures, good luck to you. With your permission I'd like to add a link to your site, you are only the second one I have found, the other is a dad of twin girls who are six.
All the best to you and your family,
yeah, what great pictures!!! i can't wait to hear more updates. i love the one with the kitty, how cute is that, as well as the big smile. both of my girls do the same thing about the camera, as soon as they see one, the smile dissappears and they are so solemn faced. maybe it means that i don't take enough pictures?? have a great week. i'll be checking for your update!
p.s. thanks for emailing me back, i know you are busy. i did figure it out with help from the "help" section. your explanation would've been easier though...lol.
Oh my gosh, those pictures are fantastic! I love them! Your girls are such dolls with such great personalities! Cute, cute, cute!
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