So the babies turned 8 months old on the 18th. This is a bit late, but I thought I'd write a bit about what and how they are doing right now.
Katelyn is growing so fast now. It seems like both babies were just going to stay itty bitty forever, but Katy is now probably 12 lbs 10 oz by now. And is outgrowing her 0-3 month clothing. The weight is a bit of a guess, since they won't be weighed until next monday. She eats about 4.5 - 5 oz. of enfacare formula. 4 bottles a day and one at night. She is usually the first to wake up at night for food at around 3:00 am sometimes a bit earlier. She is going through the phase of knowing when I leave the room, and protesting being put down. She likes to be cuddled and patted & rocked to sleep. She is actually very picky about this, and will fuss until you do it right. Katy takes 3 naps a day, morning, afternoon, early evening. She is becoming very active and loves to play on her tummy now. She is very good at holding herself up with her arms for long periods, and is learning to pivot & roll consistantly. She kicks her feet with good accuracy, and often kicks her sis in the head. She loves playing with rattles and is getting very good at putting them in her mouth to chew on them. Katy has been cooing more and more, so far she can make a very good AAAAHHHH sound, and her newest trick; she can click her tounge on the roof of her mouth. We've heard her laugh once so far, at her brother. I know she wants to laugh more, but just can't get the sound out. She's pretty much a happy baby, except when she's tired or hungry.
Madelyn is growing too, just a bit slower. She is about 10.5 lbs and is still fitting very comfortably in her 0-3 month clothing. She is still learning to keep her head up while on her tummy, she can do it well but gets tired out pretty quickly. Mady is still showing signs of having some motor skill problems, but can really do a lot. She is a very happy baby, and all you have to do is look at her to get smiles. She takes usually 5 oz of enfacare formula mixed with either rice cereal or thick it, as she still needs thickened bottles because of aspirations. She eats about 4 bottles per day and 1 at night. She always eats either right before or right after Katelyn's night feeding so that I can get more sleep. Madelyn's voice is still pretty non exisistant. She can make noise but because of her paralyzed vocal cord it is more squeeking and grunting. Which is very cute. She is actually very vocal for not having much of a voice. Mady usually takes 3 naps a day, but sleeps for shorter amount of time. She loves to look at everything, and especially loves watching her brothers play. She is starting to hold on to toys, but is still trying to get the hang of it. She really loves spending time on her activity mat, and practices her rolling from back to belly, which she is getting much better at. Madelyn isn't really picky about where or how she falls asleep, she usually just dozes wherever she's at when she's tired. She is a very content baby, and often gets less attention because of it. Her reflux seems to be pretty under control at the moment with her being on Zantac. But she still has problems with aspirations while eating (inhaling liquid into the lungs). She will be seing the OT/ST (occutpational/Speach therapist) on our next visit to OHSU on Aug. 4th. My biggest fear is that they'll want to put in a G-tube again, but I am pretty certain they won't. All in all she's doing well and is a very happy sweet baby.
looks like daddycum bucket loads in her mouth, lucky daddy baby girls suckcock so damn good
icum in my granddaughters mouth all the time, I did in her mums too
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