Jacob's classroom...Jacob loved showing Aaron aroundAaron sitting at J's desk
Showing Dad "Mountain Math"
Jacob's classroom...Jacob loved showing Aaron aroundAaron sitting at J's desk
Showing Dad "Mountain Math"
Not a lot of time for blogging today, the girls are both sick with colds, and Aaron is still trying to get over his. Both girls have been a bit lathargic today...lots of cuddling with blankies and a bit of t.v. watching. They loved baby einstien thismorning, and I caught the 3 of them sitting on the sofa watching together. It's just about nap time, and I think I'm going to lay down too!
I decided to start this blog to let family and friends keep track of our miracle preemie twins Katelyn & Madelyn who were born @ 27 weeks 5days gestation. This blog is to primarily to tell their story. I will be going back to the beginnning of how this whole crazy journey began. This is a way for me to express my memories, & to keep up with the day to day life of our family.