Jacob picked out this funny disguise from the dollar store a couple weeks ago. The boys got a big kick out of wearing it and trying to fool us! Aaron looks so silly :p

He's growing up so fast!!! Missing 3 teeth...He's rich from all the Tooth Fairy visits lately.

Mady's cute grin! I love how she even smiles with her eyes.

Katelyn glued to the t.v. She loves watching the Backyardigan's with Aaron This was also the first time I got pigtails in Katelyn's hair. Still haven't been able to do them in Mady's.

Mowhawk girls...it's never too early to have a little rock n roll style!

Katy still glued to t.v. This is a classic Katelyn face. She's always got her lips kind of puckered like that. Practicing for when she becomes a runway model already!

Jacob feeding Mady

The best shot out of like 50 from Easter of all 4 kids

Jacob in his disguise

Mady playing peek-a-boo

Doesn't Katelyn look so beautiful in this photo? Love how her eyes are all lit up

Katelyn loves to pretend to talk on anything that she thinks makes a suitable phone. this time it was Jacob's video now. wonder where she learned that from? ;)
My goodness they are getting bigger every time I see them! they look like toddlers now! Ifound this blog when you only had about two posts, but i kept forgetting to comment!
love the new pics, the one of them in the tub it to die for. keep in touch, and keep posting pics. Pam
Ahhhhhhhhhhh so cute!! I am waiting for Caitlin's hair to get a litte bit longer for pigtails too!!!!
I am loving all of these photos! The kids have all gotten so big and the girls are definitely looking like toddlers. It's hard to imagine that they came into this world so tiny when they have become these little toddlers doing what all of the rest of them do!
OK, I'm back. Hope you don't mind. Your children are adorable, and my twins are doing many of the same things. Both will use anything they can get ahold of as a telephone, and if they actually get their hands on a real cell phone, watch out when you take it away. A few months ago my Jacob started showing more affection as well. Until recently, he would not cuddle. Now he wants to cuddle the most and is always wanting to be picked up. I can't believe your girls are still in 9 to 12 month clothing. My beasts are in 12-18 month pants and shorts but they can also wear 18-24 month shirts.
Loved the mohawk pictures. If you have time, visit my blog and check out my mohawk pictures. I think they were last month.
Isn't this weather amazing? Glad to hear your enjoying it.
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