Yes, I know it's been forever since I posted anything on this blog. But in my defense things have been extremely busy for the entire month of april!!! That with my new addiction to myspace has not been good for this poor neglected blog.
So I guess it's time for a big 'ole update eh? I guess I'll do this list style, since it's easier to cover most topics that way...
1. Everyone is healthy after what was the worst sickness month of the year, including RSV for both Katelyn & Madelyn (Mady ended up in the hospital for 5 days on O2)
2. Katy & Mady are still tiny little girls...Mady is still only 15 lbs and Katy is probably close to 17 lbs. It is not upsetting me as much as it used to that they are extremely small even for their adjusted age. I think because A: They'd probably be petite anyway even if they were full term and B: They are improving greatly on their food intake. Mady still eats like a bird, but at least she's eating! Even textured stuff!!! And Katelyn has a very good appetite and can eat twice as much as little Mady.
3. Madelyn has turned into a bit of a mommy's girl since her stay at the hospital where she was on me 24/7 for 5 days straight. She actually wants to be held a lot now...go figure!
4. Madelyn is going to be the first to walk!!! She actually took her first few steps tonight!!! Katelyn isn't brave enough to do anything of the sort as of yet, even though I know she's ready, she's much too timid. But she is getting more brave by letting go when she's standing. Mady can stand up all by herself now without pulling up on something!!! It's the craziest thing to see this tiny little girl have so much strength!
5. Jacob has lost both of his top 2 teeth and 1 at the bottom...So he's looking like a toothless wonder right now. He's changing so much, really turning into a big's killing me and making me happy all at the same time!
6. Aaron still makes me want to laugh, rip my hair out, and hug him all at the same time! He's eccentric, and wild, and so sweet. He's given me a run for my money these past several weeks. And I am totally excited for him because he finally learned how to pedal on his trike!
YAY DUDE!!! He's been playing outside a bunch, blowing bubbles, and drawing with sidewalk chalk. Fun times! I can't wait for summertime playdates at the pool.
7. Ian & I get to go to Las Vegas in June for a few nights. We are totally excited, neither of us have ever's gonna be awesome!
8. Our dog has turned into a huge disobedient (but good with the kids) brat! He thinks it's o.k. to jump on people, and does horrible on a leash for walks. But he's a sweetie, and we love him! Ian is looking into obedient books or classes for him.
9. I am going to be an Auntie for the very first time in November. My brother and his girlfriend told us they are expecting!!! I am so freaking excited to have a new baby in the family and for the first time it's not be that's having it!!!
10. The Scrap Yard where I've worked for nearly 3 years is closing on May 12th. I am extremely sad about it. I love that place and all the friendships I've made there. It's been a very special time in my life to be a part of it, and I will miss it dearly.
11. Mady's voice is getting much stronger. I think she'll always have a raspy voice, but it'll give her charachter, and when she's older she might sound like Kathleen Turner or have some wonderful soulfull singer's voice or something like that...gotta think on the bright side right?
12. Katelyn is convinced that we can all understand her baby gibberish, and has lenghty conversations with anyone who'll listen. Especially with Mady...I swear they have this secret twin language going on, and are plotting something mischivious!
13. Speaking of twin things, Katelyn and Madelyn were holding hands while in their highchairs having dinner tonight. And I caught Madelyn passing Katy some of her food! Seriously she was, it's no wonder she doesn't gain any weight! She's making Katy eat her dinner too!!!
14. Madelyn's favorite toy is a plastic hammer. She carries it around all day, and even sleeps with it. She bangs everything with it, so I'm pretty convinced that she's going to become a drummer. It brings her much delight to make as much noise as possible with it.
I know there's much more to talk about, but it's after 1:00 a.m. so I am going to bed. Will put up some photos and any other must talk about stuff soon. Tomorrow maybe.