After the study, Steve (her speech pathologist) said he is pretty sure by the looks of things that Madelyn will most likely have this as a long term issue. He believes the damage to her vocal cord and surrounding area is too severe and that she will need surgery to correct the problem. We were hoping that with time that her right side would compensate and the issue would correct itself...but Mady's is just too badly damaged. This is what is causing her swallowing disability, and this is what will most likely cause some serious speech issues. We believe that Mady will have a difficult time communicating when she reaches school age because of the weakness of her voice. Which is just one reason why sign language will become even more important for her and for us.
Surgery can be done to correct the issue of aspirating of thin liquids...but of course with surgery there comes more risk. We will eventually have to make the decision of leaving it alone, thus having her deal with this disability for long term...or having a surgery that will correct the flap that does not close when she drinks, and dealing with the risk involved with that. It will not however, correct the vocal weakness. This is something we are considering for a few years down the road. For now we will just continue thickening everything, and working on speech with her therapists.
I am thankful that we caught this before the big cold and flu season, as thickening her fluids will greatly decrease her risk for pneumonia. Her adjustment to having the thickener added again has been a little difficult for her. It's more work for her to drink, and she doesn't care much for the consistency. Now that it's been over a week, she's getting used to it, and is drinking much better. 

Glad to see your new posts. Hope all is well with you. Hope to see you at the scrap Saturday. Pam
Love the pumpking patch photo's,
wish I would of taken more photo's when my kids were little. Pam
Oh boy. I'm so sorry to hear that this problem has not resolved itself and that there is severe damage to her vocal cords. You always sound so upbeat about everything though, and your family is so lucky to have you to take care of them. Glad this was catch before she got pneumonia. Sheesh! Thinking of you guys.
Aunt Jennifer here I can't belive how much the girls look like you when you were a baby. thanks for making this page with pitures your dad is bad about sending them on. Here is my email address so you can send pitures of all the family yours, Jermey, my brother your dad. I love you and miss everyone hopefully I will be able to see everyone soon . Love Aunt Jennifer , emial:
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