These babies are finally starting to say some real words! Can you believe that?! It is so cute to see them communicate with one another (all gibberish) and with us. The babbling sounds that have made up their entire vocabulary, has just recently turned into words that we can understand. It's AMAZING!!!
words that Katelyn can say:daddy
shoe (she and Mady both love to carry around shoes)
ba ba (for bottle)
hi (she repeats this over and over until you acknowledge her)
bye (sometimes bye bye)
ut (what, when you call her name)
words that Madelyn can say:dada
takoo (thank you)
ba bee (bottle) if she's crying whe she says it, it sounds more like baaa beeeeee
Katelyn is especially quite chatty. She loves to talk on the phone and will pretend with remotes or anything else that she thinks will make a suitable conversation device. She also sings to herself, it's so cute! Katy also loves to squeal and yell a lot! Mady is still on the quiet side and I think it's in her personality to be more reserved. She definitely has issues with her voice still, and probably will always sound raspy. She has come so far with her vocal abbilities, and will start speech therapy in the fall. Today she was crying so hard when I got them up from their nap that her eyes were so red and puffy (that's a lot of crying) and I didn't even hear her. I felt so bad!
We can tell who will be the mischief maker already and it's gonna be miss Katelyn! She loves to take things away from Madelyn. She has earned the new nickname swiper because of it. Also when we tell her no no she looks at us and smiles and turns right back to trouble making. She is a fiesty girl for sure. Madelyn is her opposite, and will bring me things she shouldn't have, wether it be crumbs or what have you. She also will
run to me when she hears me calling for her. And if we tell her no no she stops what she's doing and comes over to us to be held. Madelyn is a huge mama's girl and follows me around the house all day. If I put the baby gate up to keep them out of the kitchen while I'm cleaning, Mady just stands there at the gate watching me until I'm finished and can pick her up. Not crying or anything just there, watching all I do. She went through a phase of crying everytime I left the room. She still does it sometimes, but is getting better about having me out of her sight. But if I leave the room and close the door where she can not come in, then she really gets upset!
Madelyn has been dubbed the binky nazi...she hoards them, usually having one in her mouth and one in her hand as often as possible. She has grown accustomed to having Katelyn take them away from her quite frequently, so has decided to keep a spare close by at all times! But of course we always seem to lose them anyway when it's bedtime and both babies
NEED their binkies!!!
Katelyn has learned how to throw fits and will literally throw herself on the floor kicking and screaming. Of course her throwing herself down, is more like a gentle easing herself down, since she wouldn't want to hurt herself. She takes after her mama with a big ole' temper, and an attitude to match! But she is so loving and sweet, and when she looks at me with her big blue eyes it just melts my heart.
Both girls are still taking their milk from bottles, and I see no need to change that anytime soon. They are both extremely small even for their adjusted age, and need a fair amount of milk for their daily nutrition. Katelyn has just gotten the hang of a sippy cup, so will drink juice and water out of her cup. Madelyn loves to hold and try to dump her sippy cup contents, but has not mastered the drinking aspect of it yet. But she is heading in the right direction, showing interest and chewing on the spout. Some really great news is that Mady is now free to drink her fluids
without thick-it added! This has been a long time coming, and I am sooooo happy that she is aspirating so little, and is free to drink regular milk, juice, and water!!! We started a gradual weaning process, taking a little out at a time...and she did great! It's been about 2 weeks now without any thick-it at all!
Small doesn't even begin to describe these girls...they are tiny! We are hoping for big girl carseats by the time their 2nd birthday rolls around in nov. They are still so small they can fit in the infant seats that are rear facing. They have to be 20lbs to be able to switch over to a front facing carseat. They have about 2.5-3lbs to go! They are wearing 12 month size in clothes even though they are 21 months old (18 adjusted), and can still wear 9 month clothes even. They also both wear a size 2 shoe! That is about the size of an average 3 month old!!! They are just teeny-tiny. But so perfect and beautiful...and huge compared to the 2lbs they were born at.
Both babies have eye doc appts coming up in a week. We've been waiting a long time for this appt, since we will find out how bad Katelyn's eyes are. She crosses her right eye still very frequently, and is a bit on the clumsy side, so we think she may need glasses. We were hoping to hold off on corrective lenses until she was at least pre-school aged...but we will see. I'll let ya all know how it turns out. I'm pretty sure Madelyn's vision is good, she doesn't have crossing issues, and seems to see great!
So that's a bit on what is going on in babyland around here! I'm looking forward to fall (it's my favorite season), and am enjoying every bit of all my kiddos.
So I will leave you with a random quote from Aaron: "Mom I'm not mad or anything, but it is just reeeeally boring around here today"