Lookie what Katelyn can do!!! She's been getting so good at sitting with just a little support, so tonight I thought I'd try to sit her on the floor with the boppy pillow for support, and she sat so good! Just a week ago we tried and she couldn't do it all. Now look at how big she is. I'm so excited for her.

Here is Madelyn in her chair cheering on her sissy! You can tell she was kicking and waving her arms all around. Go sissy Go!!!!!

Madelyn & I watched the boys play on their bikes outside while Katy slept inside. Mady doesn't like to nap much these days. She'll take little 15-30 minute naps a few times a day. She's afraid of missin all the action. :)

I know it won't be long till Katelyn is sitting with no support. She's getting very strong. She is also log rolling all over the place now. I'll lay her on the floor and go into another room, and when I come back in I found she's rolled clear across the living room. At first I thought the boys had dragged her or something. She's so mobile now! She's even trying to get her knees up under her! She does that rocking back & forth thing, like she just wants to take off. The scratch on her forhead is from the air vent on the floor, she rolled across it, and it scratched her head.
They are so big! And such cuties! I am so happy that things worked out for you and your family. I miss you!! have a good day!
Way too cute!!! How do you get anything done? They are so stinking cute that I'd have to hold them ALL the time!
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