The babies are 9 months old already! I just can't believe in just 3 months from now we'll be celebrating their 1 year birthday. Time is really going by fast. Since they're 9 months old chronologically that means they're actually supposed to be 6 months old. They have been learning so much lately, they just amaze us everyday! Here's some things that they are each doing:
Katelyn: Katy is getting very big, I'm guessing she's close to 14 lbs now. She's is VERY active, and is army crawling, rolling everywhere she wants to go, and is almost sitting up without any support. She still can sit very well with the boppy pillow for support. She's becoming very vocal, and is making lots of new sounds. We always joke that she's extra loud to over compensate for her sissy's lack of voice. She's eating about 25 oz of formual per day. She still wakes up at least once per night for food, and a few others for her binky. Her personality is really starting to take shape, and we can tell that she's definitely going to be the "drama queen". She loves attention, and loves to be held. Her favorite things to do include rolling all over the place, playing with anything she can see her reflection in, playing games like pat-a-cake, or jumping while I hold her. And her most favorite thing is her hands. She loves to look at them, and does so often. She also likes to look at our hands too, and will play with our fingers. She is also in love with her sissy, and is very aware, and interested in her. There are times that she'll get crabby and we can't figure out what's bothering her, but if we lay her next to Mady she'll calm right down. It's very cool to watch her interact with Madelyn. She may only be 1 minute older, but she really does act like the older sister. Katelyn is a very determined baby, and when she sets her sights on something she wants she figures out how to do it. We are very proud of Miss Katelyn and are thrilled to see her make such HUGE amounts progress. She's such a blessing.
Madelyn: Little Miss Mady is just such a sweetie! She is over-all the more mellow of the 2 babies, and has a very laid back, go with the flow kind of personality. Her favorite things to do include; stressing Mommy & Daddy out, watching her brothers play, watching the t.v. and her newest favorite thing is sitting like a big girl in her Bumbo Baby seat. She's still learning to roll consistently, and can do it pretty well now. She is still only rolling from her back to tummy, and only to her right side...but she's gotten close to going from belly to back a few times. We can really tell how hard she tries to acheive new things, and are sure that when her therapies start, she'll begin to make more progress. She is also getting much better at transferring small objects like her binky from hand to hand, and is also getting very good at putting things in her mouth. She loves to kick, and is starting to payback Katy for all those kicks in the head. Last week Mady weighed in at 12 lbs 12 oz. She is currently eating about 15-18 oz of formula per day. She's very stubborn when it comes to eating, and will sometimes go 12 or more hours at a time without eating! STINKER!! Feedings really have to be on her terms now, and she will only eat if she's REALLY hungry. No more waking her to eat right after Katelyn at night, she is now marching to the beat of her own drum. She'll go from refusing to eat one minute to absolutely starving & hysterical the next. One thing that has let us know just how smart she is, is when she cries now, she blows rasberries to make noise. She's figured out how to get attention in her own way, since her cry is still very weak, though I must say it has slightly improved. She tries very hard to make noises, but mostly just sounds like a gremlin. It's so cute, and pitiful at the same time. Madelyn is very unique, and we are so blessed to have her. She is such a happy baby, and loves to smile. We are so proud of her!
So that's pretty much the jist of it, they are changing so much, and it's so fun to see them develop their own little personalities. We are all enjoying them so much!
In case you can't tell Katelyn is on the left, Madelyn on the right! :) I'll post more pictures over the weekend!